General Ultrasound Scans, Stafford


Ultrasound is safe and effective, for investigating the myriad of conditions that can affect the human body.

The ability to clearly visualise and assess the health of internal organs enables ultrasound to be the most popular tool for imaging after X-rays. However, ultrasound is also, both safe and superb, for investigating the myriad of conditions that can affect the human body.

To book your scan please follow the link below.

Abdomen (Upper Abdomen)

Purpose of the Ultrasound scan

Typical reasons for an Abdominal Scan are upper abdominal pain , nausea, bloating , suspected fatty liver, abnormal liver function tests, suspected gallstones or kidney stones, suspected abdominal mass or a general survey of internal organs.

Ultrasound can detect many abdominal pathologies, including polyps, kidney stones & diseases affecting the liver, spleen, pancreas, and kidneys.

Correlation with any blood tests undertaken & other pathology.

Pre-scan Preparation

No specific preparation, except to wear clothing which allows easy access to the area of interest.


Request a booking first and only make payment for your scan(s) after getting an email from CareHealth confirming your Booking time.  You can request a scan by contacting us or by email     

Liver, Gallbladder, Bile Ducts, Pancreas, Kidneys, Spleen, Inferior Vena Cava and any other structures in the upper abdomen.

Price: £98.00

Testes / Scrotum

Purpose of the Ultrasound scan

Investigate any underlying cause for pain, discomfort, or concern. To determine the origin and nature of Lumps or any Swelling. Investigation of Cysts, Varicoceles and Hydroceles.

Pre-scan Preparation

No specific preparation, except to wear clothing which allows easy access to the area of interest.


Request a booking first and only make payment for your scan(s) after getting an email from CareHealth confirming your Booking time.  You can request a scan by contacting us or by email     

Click to enlarge image

Testes, Epididymides, scrotal blood vessels and the Scrotum

Price: £98.00

Thyroid Gland

Purpose of the Ultrasound scan

To investigate any underlying cause for pain, swelling, lumps and discomfort associated with the thyroid gland.

Correlation with any blood tests undertaken.


Request a booking first and only make payment for your scan(s) after getting an email from CareHealth confirming your Booking time.  You can request a scan by contacting us or by email     

Thyroid and parathyroid Glands

Price: £109.00

Kidneys, Ureters, Bladder and Prostate

Purpose of the Ultrasound scan

To investigate Difficulty in Urination, Blood in Urine or other concerns of urination and kidneys.

Loin / Flank pain. Renal tract pathology, including Kidney Stones, Bladder Diseases, Obstruction, Infection, and other kidney diseases. Correlation with abnormal Renal Function Tests or Dipstick urine tests. Assessment of Prostate Gland in males.

Pre-scan Preparation

Please assist with filling of your bladder; drink at least a litre of water and finish it at least 1 hour before the scan. Do not go to the toilet until the scan has been completed.


Request a booking first and only make payment for your scan(s) after getting an email from CareHealth confirming your Booking time.  You can request a scan by contacting us or by email     

Focused Scan on the area of concern: Kidneys and urinary bladder. (Includes the prostate in male patients).

Price: £98.00

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA)

Purpose of the Ultrasound scan

To diagnose or monitor the size of an Aortic Aneurysm (AAA).

Suspected AAA e.g., a palpable or pulsatile mass both in males and females.
Screening of AAA-due to Family history of AAA, or Age if 65 or above

Pre-scan Preparation

Patients should fast for at least hours prior to the examination, unless they are diabetic. Otherwise no specific preparation, except to wear clothing which allows easy access to the area of interest.


Request a booking first and only make payment for your scan(s) after getting an email from CareHealth confirming your Booking time.  You can request a scan by contacting us or by email     

Abdominal Aorta

Price: £88.00

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